
Dog Training in Buffalo, NY - An option for every dog!

Our Training Center offers Private Lesson Packages, CGC Certifications, Board & Train Camps, and Group Classes including Basic Obedience, Puppy Preschool, AKC Tricks Classes, Leash Manners Classes, Specialty Classes, Intermediate and Advanced Obedience Classes, and more. Our experienced team of trainers will help you connect with your dog and achieve your training goals, together!

February 2025

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
  • Vals Tricks class

Group Classes

Group Classes are a great option for dogs who can usually coexist around other dogs and their owners. Class sizes are kept small, typically between 6-8 people, in order to maximize time with your instructor. Classes follow a set curriculum and meet on the same day/time each week for the duration of the session.

Puppy Preschool

Socialize your puppy and introduce them to new people, places, and things. While learning impulse control and focus, your puppy will walk away from this class with a basic understanding of proper socialization as well as a few commands. This class is designed for puppies 4 months and younger, to get them started on the right paw! This class is 4 weeks in duration and costs $139.

Basic Obedience

Teach your dog basic commands such as sit, down, stay, wait, place, touch, watch me, leave it, and leash walking. Impulse control will be a major focus of this class. These classes will be held both indoors and outdoors, weather permitting. This dog is designed for dogs 5 months and older. Basic Obedience class costs $199 and is 6 weeks in duration.

Class Registration

To register for one of the above classes, call our office at (716) 901-7618 any time between 7am-6pm Monday-Friday. You can also email us at

Private Lesson Packages

Package of 5 Lessons - $349

1 – on – 1 Lessons at our Training Center. Your trainer will tailor your lessons to your specific needs. Private Lessons are 30 minutes in duration, and are a great option for dogs who struggle to peacefully coexist around other dogs in a class setting, or for owners who have very specific skills they want to focus on. A 30 minute training consultation may be required prior to booking private lessons. To inquire or schedule, please fill out the form below and our Training Staff will be in touch!

Package of 10 Lessons - $999

This package option consists of 10 30-Minute lessons at our Training Center, and includes a Mini Educator E-Collar & remote, a place cot, and a premium long line. This option is perfect for more challenging behavioral issues, or for owners who want a more detailed and thorough training experience.

In-Home / Virtual Lesson Packages

Package of 3 In-Home Lessons - $299

1 – on – 1 Lessons at your home! Your trainer will tailor your lessons to your specific needs and environment. Private Lessons are 30 minutes in duration, and are a great option for dogs with specific behavioral issues or owners who have very specific skills they want to focus on. A 30 minute training consultation may be required prior to booking in-home lessons. To inquire or schedule, please fill out the form below and our Training Staff will be in touch!

Virtual Private Lesson - $59

This option is perfect for simple training questions, or owners who want to have a thoughtful discussion and seek advice from a Professional Trainer. Via Zoom or Facetime, our Trainers can answer your questions, provide guideance and advice, and make recommendations for your specific situation.

Board & Train Programs

At a Board & Train, your dog will learn all fundamental basic obedience skills. Board & Trains are intended for dogs with minor behavior issues, as well as busy professionals and families who want help creating the dog of their dreams! Your dog will stay with us in our state of the art boarding facility, while working with their trainer for multiple sessions per day. Included in most programs is an initial consultation, and 1 or more follow up lessons, one-on-one with your dogs trainer.

Boarding charges & training tools are included in the cost of each program. Duration varies, but typically range from 2-4 weeks. 

Our Off-Leash Board and Train is roughly 4 weeks in length and covers all fundamental obedience skills including:

  • Off-Leash Sit
  • Off-Leash Stay and Down
  • Stay
  • Heel
  • Off-Leash Place
  • Polite Greetings
  • Recall

Your dog’s Professional Trainer will also help to eliminate behavioral issues such as:

    • Mouthing
    • Jumping
    • Excessive Barking
    • Digging
    • Socialization


Includes: Initial Consultation, Off-Leash Program, Four Follow up Lessons, a Training Collar, an E-Collar, a place cot, and a long line.

Our On-Leash Board and Train is roughly 2 weeks in length and covers most fundamental obedience skills including:

  • Sit
  • Stay
  • Down
  • Loose Leash Walking
  • Place
  • Polite Greetings

Your dog’s Professional Trainer will also teach your dog handler awareness and impulse control and help to eliminate behavioral issues such as:

  • Mouthing
  • Jumping
  • and More


Includes: Initial Consultation, On-Leash Program, Two Follow Up Lessons, and a Training Collar or Slip Lead, and a place cot.

Our Puppy Program covers all fundamental obedience skills including:

  • Off-Leash Sit
  • Off-Leash Stay and Down
  • Stay
  • Heel
  • Off-Leash Place
  • Polite Greetings
  • Recall

Your dog’s Professional Trainer will also help to eliminate behavioral issues such as

  • Mouthing
  • Jumping
  • Excessive Barking
  • Digging
  • Socialization
  • Crate Training


Includes: Four Initial Private Lessons, Puppy Program, Two Follow Up Lessons, a place cot, & a long line.

Meet Our Trainers

We strive to be a catalyst for relationships between dogs and their owners, helping them understand each other on a deeper level. We help owners successfully include their dogs in their every day lives through relationship-based training. 

dog training in buffalo ny
Sam B.
Sam B.
Professional Dog Trainer
Mariah L.
Mariah L.
Professional Dog Trainer
Val A.
Val A.
Professional Dog Trainer

Training Requirements



1 on 1 Training Consultation

$40 / 30 Minutes

You are not alone! Starting the training process can be overwhelming. Our experienced trainers will meet with you at our facility, to discuss your training needs and goals. From there, they can recommend which program would be right for you.

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